Regain Good Health and Appearance with a Full-Mouth Rehabilitation

December 20, 2013

Has an injury or poor oral health significantly impacted the good health or appearance of your smile? The doctors at Complete Cosmetic Care Dentistry may be able to help with a full-mouth rehabilitation treatment plan. Full-mouth rehabilitation involves a combination of restorative and cosmetic services used to help a patient dramatically improve a smile’s health, functionality, and how it looks.

Do you need cosmetic or restorative help? Find out what kind of difference Dr. Georgy or Dr. Mohanna can make in your life. During a consultation at our Sapulpa dental office, a full oral exam will be carried out and a treatment plan will be put together. As part of your exam, Dr. Georgy and Dr. Mohanna will fully explain what your needs are and which services will do the best job of helping you meet them.

Our Sapulpa cosmetic and restorative services include:

If you have any questions about the service or services we recommend, Dr. Georgy and Dr. Mohanna would be happy to answer them. It’s important to us that our patients feel comfortable with the care we recommend.

Call Complete Cosmetic Care Dentistry in Sapulpa to schedule an appointment with us. Dr. Georgy and Dr. Mohanna are happy to offer comprehensive general, cosmetic, and restorative dental care to patients from Tulsa, Bixby, Glenpool, Jenks, Okmulgee, Mounds, Keifer, and beyond. We look forward to helping you smile again.

Root Canal Therapy for Sapulpa and Nearby Communities

November 20, 2013

No one wants to hear they need a root canal. And yet, with a combination of today’s advanced tools and techniques, plus a service like sedation dentistry, root canals are more comfortable than they’ve ever been. In just a single appointment, the dental team at Complete Cosmetic Care Dentistry can help you with the important endodontic care you need to enjoy better oral health.

What Is a Root Canal?

During a root canal, Dr. Dalia Georgy or Dr. Parnam Mohanna will access the infected pulp tissue inside your tooth, remove the pulp, replace it with a safe polymer known as gutta-percha, and then cap the repaired tooth with a custom-made crown to preserve it. Besides treating infection, root canals are designed to preserve the patient’s tooth and the root anchoring it to the jaw. Your tooth roots are important. Not only do they ensure your bite is stable, they also spur bone growth in the jaw so that it stays strong throughout your life.

What Causes A Tooth To Become Infected?

An infection can be caused by a variety of problems, including deep decay, advanced gum disease, a cracked or broken tooth, and an old filling. Treating infection is important for your oral health and your overall wellbeing. If an infected tooth isn’t treated, the tooth (and its root) may be lost.

Do you have a tooth that’s sensitive to hot or cold foods? Are you experiencing any swelling around your gums or one of your teeth? Have you noticed a recurring pimple on your gum line? These are all signs that you might need a root canal.

Call Complete Cosmetic Care Dentistry today to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Georgy or Dr. Mohanna. We offer root canal therapy to patients from Sapulpa, Tulsa, Bixby, Glenpool, Jenks, Okmulgee, Mounds, and Keifer.

Tooth Extractions for Sapulpa and Beyond

October 22, 2013

From time to time, it happens—whether because of an injury, poor oral health, or some other reason, you need a tooth extraction. Thinking about it can be depressing, but the alternative isn’t any fun either. If left untreated, the infection from a compromised tooth can spread to nearby teeth that may be healthy, causing serious problems later on. What’s more, a tooth in this position could also be putting the brakes on another treatment or procedure you need.

All of which is why tooth extraction is one of the services offered at Complete Cosmetic Care Dentistry. Drs. Mohanna and Georgy work hard to make the tooth extraction process comfortable and simple.

Here are a few reasons for why a tooth extraction might be necessary:

  • You have a severely decayed tooth
  • A tooth is broken but can’t be treated with a crown
  • You need orthodontic care
  • A tooth has become impacted

Every tooth extraction begins with us numbing the area we’ll be working on. To help our Sapulpa patients feel comfortable, we also offer sedation dentistry. Once you’re comfortable, we’ll perform the extraction as quickly as possible. Some stitches may be required, but after a brief recovery period, you’ll be back to your normal self. At that point, we can start talking to you about your replacement options. Those include:

We’ll create a fully customized treatment plan based on your needs and what will work best for your smile.

Do you need to have one or more teeth extracted? Call us today to schedule an appointment. Our Sapulpa dental office serves patients from Tulsa, Bixby, Glenpool, Jenks, Okmulgee, Mounds, and Keifer communities.


Children’s Dentistry for Sapulpa and Beyond

September 16, 2013

Children need regular dental care, just like adults. But, if you’re a new parent, you might not know when your little one should have his or her first dental appointment.

At Complete Cosmetic Care Dentistry, Dr. Mohanna and Dr. Georgy recommend bringing your child in as soon as he or she gets a first tooth. It’s at that point that your child will become vulnerable to cavities and gum disease—the two most common oral health problems any patient can face. Early appointments like these also give our Sapulpa children’s dentists a chance to see how your little one’s smile is developing. Habits like thumb sucking and tongue thrusting can cause problems with misalignment in the future. Treating both early is important for helping children develop straight, healthy smiles.

Here’s what else you can expect from children’s dentistry at Complete Cosmetic Care Dentistry:

  • X-rays
  • Comprehensive oral exam
  • Teeth cleaning
  • Fluoride treatments, if necessary
  • Nutritional advice and tips on effective home care

For nutrition and home care, it’s imperative that parents play an active role. Children won’t learn to brush on their own, and they need help choosing nutritious foods. As a parent, you can help your little one build healthy habits from a very young age—habits that will be important throughout life.

Is your son or daughter between the age one and four? Has he or she had a first visit with one of our children’s dentist? If not, call Complete Cosmetic Care Dentistry in Sapulpa today. Our office is happy to provide compassionate children’s dental care to patients from Tulsa, Bixby, Glenpool, Jenks, Okmulgee, Mounds, Keifer, and beyond.

Sapulpa Cosmetic Dental Care

August 23, 2013

In our last post, we highlighted the many different services you’ll find at your local Sapulpa dental office. Today, we’d like to talk about cosmetic dentistry—what it is, what we offer, and how it can help.

Cosmetic dentistry is all about transforming the way a patient’s smile looks. That can mean making it whiter, straighter, or fuller. To accomplish that, your Sapulpa cosmetic dentist has many different services to choose from, including:

But which of these services will be the biggest help to you? Determining that is easy and begins with consultation appointment at Complete Cosmetic Care Dentistry. While visiting us, your Sapulpa cosmetic dentist will complete a thorough oral exam and talk to you about what kind of changes you’d like to make. A comprehensive treatment plan will be created based on the results of both your exam and our conversation with you.

How long can you expect your care to take? Depending on the service(s) you’ll be receiving, it can take anywhere from one visit to several over the course of a few months. It all depends on what kind of help you need.

Do you want to get started on your cosmetic smile makeover? Call Complete cosmetic Care Dentistry today to start talking to your Sapulpa cosmetic dentist. We’re transforming smiles from Tulsa, Bixby, Sapulpa, Glenpool, Jenks, Okmulgee, Mounds, Keifer, and beyond.


What Services Does Your Sapulpa Dentist Offer?

August 9, 2013

Every patient has different needs. That’s why your Sapulpa dentist offers such a comprehensive range of services. Whether you need general, cosmetic, or restorative care, your local Sapulpa dental office has services that can help.

What will you find at Complete Cosmetic Care Dentistry? Services include:

Which of these services is most right for you? Your Sapulpa dentist will help you decide with a simple checkup and cleaning. We recommend that every patient see their doctor twice a year for regular care.

Why is regular care so important? Because common oral health problems like gum disease and tooth decay need to be caught and treated early. Plus, with a professional cleaning, your Sapulpa dentist can help you get your teeth cleaner than is possible with just brushing and flossing alone.

How long has it been since you last saw your Sapulpa dental team? Call Complete Cosmetic Care Dentistry to reserve an appointment or ask us a question about the services we offer. We’re proud to offer general, cosmetic, and restorative care to patients from Tulsa, Bixby, Sapulpa, Glenpool, Jenks, Okmulgee, Mounds, Keifer, and beyond.

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