Your Dentist in Jenks: When Tooth Extractions are Needed

April 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Parnam Mohanna @ 10:11 pm

A dentist holding an extracted tooth.When there are no restorative options left, your dentist in Jenks will need to extract a tooth. For most patients, this is unfortunate to hear, but is necessary to keep your oral health intact. To make it easier, your dentist wanted to go into more detail about the process and what you can expect in aftercare.

Extracting a tooth is always your dentist’s last resort, so just know that when your dentist needs to do it, it’s for good reason.

When is a Tooth Extraction Needed?

There are a few situations where your dentist will recommend a tooth extraction. They include:

  • Impacted teeth, most commonly wisdom teeth
  • A broken tooth that can’t be restored with a crown (i.e. from trauma)
  • A severely decayed tooth
  • For preparation for orthodontic work

Keep in mind that the alternative to a tooth extraction is allowing the tooth to become infected. In the case of tooth decay, bacteria can easily reach the inner tooth where the pulp, nerves, and blood vessels lie. This decay causes the infection to spread to other healthy teeth also, causing more complications later.

In any case, all other options will have been exhausted before your dentist in Jenks starts the extraction process. Here’s what that process looks like.

What is the Process for a Tooth Extraction in Jenks?

To make the process as painless and simple as possible, your dentist will first numb the affected area with a local anesthetic. If needed, he can also provide you sedation dentistry to make your treatment more comfortable.

After the area has been sufficiently numbed, they will use forceps to gently rock the tooth back and forth, loosening it from the jaw bone and the ligaments holding it in place. If the tooth was impacted, your dentist will cut away gum and bone tissue that covered it.

Once the tooth has been removed, a blood clot will begin to form inside the socket. To help stop the bleeding, your dentist will ask you to bite down on a gauze pad. Typically, they will place a few stitches to help close the area more effectively.

How Long Does Recovery Take?

The recovery period for a tooth extraction is usually one to two weeks. During this healing period, you’ll want to make sure you’re taking the right steps to speed up healing and prevent dry socket. Take note of them below:

  • For the first 24 hours, take painkillers, change your gauze pad out every three to four hours, apply an ice bag to your mouth to keep swelling down, and limit normal activities for the next day or two.
  • Avoid drinking from a straw for 24 hours.
  • After 24 hours, use a solution of ½ teaspoon of salt and 8 ounces of warm water to rinse your mouth, cleaning the area.
  • Do not smoke or use tobacco products. This can increase your chances of dry socket.
  • Stick to a soft diet for the first 24 hours of healing. A few examples include soup, applesauce, yogurt, and pudding.
  • Brush and floss as normal while avoiding the extraction site.

About the Author

Dr. Parnam Mohanna has completed many advanced training courses on top of his formal dental education, including for wisdom tooth extractions. As a dentist, he is patient, caring, and truly values the comfort of his patients. To learn more about his practice, contact him at (918) 216-1000 or visit his website.

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