How to Make the Most of Your New Dentures in Sapulpa

August 17, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Parnam Mohanna @ 8:10 pm

happy older couple togetherWearing dentures in Sapulpa doesn’t have to be distressing or unpleasant. You can ease the transition by making temporary adjustments to your diet and using the privacy and comfort of your home to practice daily tasks like speaking.

How to Eat While Wearing Dentures

Any skill takes time to perfect. This includes learning how to eat with dentures. So allow yourself time to adjust to the change. Here are some other ideas for making the transition easier:

  • Start with soft foods such as eggs or cooked vegetables to build your confidence before moving up to items like meat and raw produce.
  • Try shifting the food from one side of your mouth to the other while chewing. This helps to even out the pressure on your dentures.
  • Remember that in the beginning your body is getting used to the presence of your dentures. So don’t be surprised if your foods seem to lack flavor. Over time your taste buds will adjust.
  • Eat a few meals at home before venturing out to a restaurant or attending a social gathering. As they say, practice makes perfect.

Speaking and Carrying on a Conversation

Like eating, speaking with dentures is a learned skill. Here’s how to pronounce your words more clearly:

  • Practice reading a book aloud in private before moving on to public situations. You may want to use a tape recorder or smartphone app to record the way you sound. Listen to yourself and adjust your intonation accordingly.
  • Realize that your voice will sound different to yourself when you wear dentures. This is due to changes in how your jaw and skull muscles vibrate as you talk. So don’t be surprised if you think you’re speaking louder than normal.
  • Use a denture adhesive. You may need to adjust the amount of adhesive you use to match your physiology and speaking style. This is another situation in which practice makes perfect.
  • Try carrying on a “practice conversation” with a friend or family member. If your partner is a fellow denture wearer, then you can offer each other both helpful feedback and encouraging support.

Additional Tips for Living with Dentures

While we’re on the topic, here are some other suggestions to keep in mind:

  • Remember that any set of dentures requires an initial break-in period. You may feel a little discomfort at first. If this continues, or if you feel pain, then contact your dentist in Sapulpa right away.
  • It’s normal to have a “full-mouth” sensation at first. This is simply your body getting used to the appliance.
  • You might notice that your mouth is producing more saliva than it did before you started wearing your dentures. This also is part of the adjustment phase. Sucking on a sugar-free piece of candy can help to manage the transition.

Modern dentures are a great way to protect your oral health and improve your quality of life. Use the tips in this post to help ease the adjustment process. You’ll soon find yourself enjoying all the activities you love with a newfound sense of confidence and ease, which is always reason to smile.

About the Author

Dr. Parnam Mohanna is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma and an academic fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. He’s also an instructor in the university’s clinic for removable dental prosthetics. You can reach his office online or by calling (918) 216-1000.

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